SEND Information
"Our son has SEND needs and he is blooming at Kingsway Primary School. Thank you to all of the staff for everything that they do to support him."
Parent of a child in Year 3
"Pupils with SEND receive effective support. Staff identify and assess the additional
needs of pupils with SEND carefully."
Ofsted, March 2023
This page contains information for parents and carers on how we meet the needs of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) at Kingsway Primary School.
The SEND Code of Practice (2014) identifies SEND pupils as those with needs that are additional to and different from their peers.
Mr Walker Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator |
If you have any questions regarding your child’s current special needs, or you think your child may need additional support, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher, or Mr Walker (the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator) via the school office on 0161 748 1867.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) - Further Information
A child or young person has special educational needs if they find it harder to learn than most children or young people of the same age.
A child or young person has special educational needs if they have a disability that stops them from making use of the same facilities as others of the same age.
The term special educational needs and disability is sometimes shortened to SEND.
Four areas of special educational needs and disability
Children and young people may have needs across some or all of these four areas and their needs may change over time.
What to do if you think a child may have special educational needs or Disability
The special educational needs coordinator, Paul Walker, is responsible for helping to ensure that Kingsway Primary School meets the needs of children with a barrier to learning.
Kingsway Primary School publish a report which outlines is provided for children with special educational needs at our school. This is called the SEND Information Report and the link is at the bottom of the page.
SEND processes in school
All schools in Trafford Local Authority follow the SEND Graduated Approach.
Trafford Graduated Approach (further information)
For children and young people identified as having additional needs, settings will take action to remove barriers to learning and put into place effective special educational provision. A graduated approach will be undertaken which draws upon the four-part cycle of Assess, Plan, Do and Review. During this cycle, approaches are revisited, refined and revised, building on growing understanding of learners needs and the support needed in helping them to make good progress and secure good outcomes.
Each stage of support builds on the good practice of the previous stages. This will lead an approach in which increasing levels of support are provided, where necessary and appropriate.
The majority of children and young people who have additional learning needs will have their needs met through the SEND support at Kingsway Primary School. A small minority of children, who have the most complex needs, may require more specialist help. If a child or young person does not make educational progress despite receiving high quality SEND support, then an EHC needs assessment might be the next step. A request for an EHC needs assessment can be made to the Local Authority by our SENCo or the parent/carer.
When a request for an EHC needs assessment has been submitted, a 20-week process starts.
This 20-week process includes three phases:
Trafford's Local Offer
Use this link to access Trafford's local offer of support for children and young people with Special Educational Needs or who are Disabled (SEND).
What to do if you are worried about your child's progress...
First Steps...
The first step is to talk to your child's class teacher. Ask them what they think and tell them your concerns. Sometimes that will be enough to put your mind at rest. To make sure there is enough time to discuss any problems in detail, it may be appropriate to request a meeting via the school office rather than during a discussion at the classroom door.
You may wish to ask:
- Does the teacher think your child is having any difficulties?
- Is your child working at in line with the national expectation for a child of their age?
- Is your child already receiving extra help? Is so, what sort of help is being offered?
- If, after discussions with the class teacher have taken place and you are reassured, that is great! If not, you may wish to ask to speak to the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) for further advice.
- If you do not understand what is being said - do not be afraid to ask questions! Our staff are more than happy to support you in any way that they can,
Don't forget to share information...
- Say when you first noticed the difficulty and if there are certain times where the challenges are more pronounced..
- Say if you have mentioned it to anyone before in school.
- Say if anyone else in the family has similar difficulties or challenges.
- Say how your child is at home. Are you doing anything to help at home? Can school suggest any better ways to help with routines at home?
- Do not forget if there are some changes to routine at home, this could be affecting your child. It may help the school to know if a loss, divorce or other upset has affected your child.
- You know your child better than anyone! Have confidence in yourself and be ready to share information. Be open and be prepared to work with the staff at Kingsway Primary School in order to support your child.
- The teacher sees your child in a different setting and has knowledge and experience that can be shared with you - this may look different to what you are experiencing at home. This does not mean that anyone is wrong, it means that your child is responding differently within different settings..
- Remember that we are here to help. We will alsways do what we can you support you and your child.