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Mrs Jones

RE Lead

Mr Devlin

RE Link Governor


The principal aim of Religious Education at Kingsway Primary is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own. The curriculum is designed to sequence children's learning and to prepare and provide them with the prior knowledge they need to put things into context and take their knowledge with them on a journey as they progress through the school. 

We want to give children the opportunity to acquire knowledge and understanding of religions. We want the children to explore the ideas of faith and worship and learn about religious traditions and festivals through stories, discussions, music, books, artefacts and visits.

We create 'Floor Books' to promote an understanding of various religions and faiths which gives children ownership of their learning. We have shown that through children creating their books together shows and develops a deeper community of knowledge. 

At Kingsway, we use the agreed RE syllabus for Trafford, Tameside, Stretford, Stockport and Manchester. It is agreed for 2022-2027

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