William Moore Chair of Governors |
Josh Devlin Vice Chair of Governors |
Kate Baskeyfield Headteacher |
Gareth Dale Staff Governor |
Sara Rocca Local Authority Governor |
Jackie Adey Co-Opted Governor |
Luke Millington Co-opted Govenor |
Kayleigh Nickkho-Amiry Parent Governor |
Governors have responsibility for the effective management of the school, working within the framework set by the Local Authority and National Legislation. They visit the school frequently and each governor has a subject link as and works closely with the subject leader in school.
School links
Governors take part in learning walks around school and visit classes. They act as a critical friend, they challenge and question. All governors at Kingsway take part in whole school training as well as Local Authority governor training.
Meetings of the full Board of Governors are held once a term. Committee meetings are arranged each half term or as and when required. All members of the Board declare their business interests at the beginning of each academic year and records are kept. Every governor at Kingsway acts within the governor code of conduct which is agreed at the start of each school year.
Governor Roles- Curriculum Links
Art and DT |
Kayleigh Nickkho-Amiry |
Computing |
Josh Devlin |
William Moore |
English |
Luke Millington |
Geography |
William Moore |
History |
William Moore |
Maths |
Sara Rocca |
Music |
Luke Millington |
PE |
Luke Millington |
RE |
Josh Devlin |
Kayleigh Nickkho-Amiry |
Science |
Sara Rocca |
Safeguarding |
Josh Devlin |
Jackie Adey |
Pupil Premium |
Sara Rocca |
Mental Health |
Kayleigh Nickkho-Amiry |
Attendance |
Jackie Adey |