
Welcome to our admissions page! 

We now have places available for our Nursery class in September 2024! 

Please have a look at our policy for admissions and download a Nursery application form if you would like to apply for a place.

We can offer 15 hours and 30 hours free provision for those who qualify.

Please see links at the bottom of this page with the forms to complete. 

You can add additional mornings or afternoons for a top up fee of £15.00 per session. 

If you would like any additional information please contact [email protected] 


Nursery sessions and top-ups

The Nursery morning session starts at 8.45am and finishes at 11.45am. This session is free for your child Monday - Friday, as you are entitled to 15 hours funded per child per week.

There is an opportunity for your child to have top-up sessions in the afternoon, which would finish at 3.15pm, 2-5 times a week. These sessions are £15 each and are paid in advance. If your child attends these top-ups he/she would have to bring a healthy packed lunch, which they eat in the hall supervised by the midday assistants.

We will be offering 30 hours free provision to eligible parents. We will also be offering 15 hours free provision. If parents accessing 15 hours free provision  would like to pay for top up sessions, this is also available.


Home visits and Visits to the Nursery

Great importance is placed on the partnership between home and school. Before a child is due to start nursery we visit them at home and invite them to come and visit the nursery with their parents. These are good opportunities for the family to meet the nursery staff. We hope that this occasion will give you the chance to ask questions about starting nursery and life at Kingsway. It is also a good time for you to tell us anything you feel will help us to do the very best for your child in his/her school life.


Preparing for Nursery

Preparing your child for nursery is a most important process and will benefit your child enormously.

What can parents do to help?

  • Make sure he/she can use the toilet without help;
  • Teach him/her to dress and undress with the minimum of help;
  • Read stories as often as possible so that your child associates books with pleasure;
  • Help you child to hold a pencil correctly i.e. between thumb and forefinger and supported by the second finger;
  • Help your child to recognise his/her own name. Write it down every time the draw or paint a picture. Please use a capital letter at the start of their name and lower case letters, i.e. Katherine. Encourage them to write for themselves. Accept their attempts at 'mark making' as the first step along the road to writing. Remember to say the sounds phonetically - 'a' as in apple not 'a' as in baby;
  • Listen to what your child has to say, ask questions and talk about what you see and do;
  • Count everything - people, buses, chairs etc. There are lots of things to count all around us. Talk about shapes, sing number rhymes and look at number books.


Foundation Stage On Entry Assessment

When children start nursery the children are assessed for their level of development on entry and in the different areas of learning. This enables the teacher to plan carefully and cater for every child's needs and interest. Progress is monitored through the early years.


Parents' Evenings

We are able to discuss your child's progress and well-being at nursery on a daily basis. A Parents' Evening is held each term during which you will be able to discuss your child's progress in detail with their teacher.


Transition to the Reception Class

A meeting for parents is arranged in June/July prior to the children starting in the Reception Class in September. The meeting provides an opportunity to discuss this transaction period with the Reception Class teacher. There is ample opportunity for parents to ask questions.

We firmly believe that when parents and staff work together in the early years the results have a positive impact on the child's development and learning.

"Parents and practitioners should work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect in which children can have security and confidence."

Nursery children are familiar with their new class and teacher but will visit the classroom together in July before they start school in September.



Autumn/Winter Uniform                        Spring/Summer Uniform

Red Logo Sweatshirt                               Red Logo Sweatshirt

White Polo Shirt                                       White Polo Shirt

Black Jogging Bottoms                            Black Jogging Bottoms or Grey/Black Shorts

Sensible Supportive Shoes                     Sensible Supportive Shoes

                                                                 Red checked dress



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